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03/19/18 11:16 AM #180    

Margie Bauman (Galluzzi)

Yes, the Reese family owned the Westwood.  They were our neighbors on Edgemont Road until they moved.

03/25/18 08:42 PM #181    

Myles Schlank

Do you remember the store at 645 Eagle Rock Avenue?

Yup, Stan Moskovitz's father's butcher shop. The first photo is of Mr. M in front of his store. The next one is of him and his assistant, Sidney Nelson. (Did Sidney make deliveries? Both photos courtesy of Stan's sister, Roz, who lives in WO.)

The photo with Sidney is rated X for mature omninvores and carnivores.

Scroll down to see what's currently at this location.

Read about the origin of the Bonds name and scan the menu at  (Is there a missing apostrophe?)

If you've eaten there, what's the verdict?

03/26/18 01:01 PM #182    

Allen Horn






SMITH'S 5 & 10 for candy dots on a paper sleeve(would not pass FDA controls today)

We could reallly fill up for probably .50 cents.  

03/26/18 01:44 PM #183    

Ron Farber

Hi All,

Been living in W. O. again for the last so many years.  Interestingly, just this week I received a flyer (with coupon offers) from this Bond's Tavern  (which I did not know of at all) at that same location!

And, they are promoting their 'lobster Sunday's'  --  a far cry from the intensely kosher meat market that Stan's father had!  Yeah -- it all evolves.

And, Senor Horn, do you remember that Bella's was Donnie Brotman's grandmother  -- she had that corner and nearby, his dad had our first local (thought small) super market.  Then came Acme down the block, later Good Deal, Penn Fruit and it was over for the little grocer!

While we're doing the memories, who remembers Harold's -- that real cool bar with dancing in front of Cabana Club where many of us could get in when we were 19 & 20?   T'wes a great Friday night scene then -- and soon, once one had legit proof, we'd go to Dodd's on Day St. off Main in Orange.  They would have live local bands on certain nights  ---  the best were The Vibrattos (1967-70) who could sound like everyone then from The Beatles to BS & T to the Motown acts.  Yeah  --  y e s t e r d a y !!!!!

04/08/18 09:51 PM #184    

Jay Kaplan

A post about Joe McCartney: 

I remember that back in 1962 Montain High won the Group II Boys Basketball Championship, beting South Plainfield. I think the game was in Haddonfield and I went. Joe was on the team, coached that year by Ken Murray. Here is where it gets hazy: I remember a play in which Joe drove for the basket and instead of making an overhand layup he threw it up underhanded and it went spinning off the backboard and into the basket. Murray wanted to strangle him for showboating but couldnt do much since we won the game. I think this play was in the championship game in 1962, but who knows. It could have been in a preliminary game. I remember that the next year we were runner-ups in the state championship. Perhaps somebody else can put some precision in this memory of Joe's shot. Those were great days to be a student at Mountain and to watch Joe, Mark Zamat, Donny Brotman and the rest playing their hearts out in their fancy new Mountain High basketball uniforms. 


04/17/18 11:48 AM #185    

Myles Schlank

Referring to Allen Horn's post #183 about the kosher market on Pleasant Valley Way (not Stan's father's butcher shop), it remained a WO mainstay, while changing its business model along the way, until last year. Click here for a brief article on the store's history.

04/17/18 12:03 PM #186    

Sandra Bowers (Linton)

I would like to announce that I am a great-grandma - Hailey Minniti was born on February 28th.

This is what makes getting old wonderful.

04/17/18 12:14 PM #187    

Myles Schlank

Congratulations, Sandy!

04/17/18 02:12 PM #188    

Jay Kaplan

Yes, congratulations and thanks for another timely reminder of the passing years. The phrase 'older than dirt' used to be a joke referring to other people. Not so much anymore. 

04/18/18 03:22 PM #189    

Sandra Bowers (Linton)

We must be 'older than dirt', we're taller than it.  lol

04/18/18 06:19 PM #190    

Maxine Youin (Kleiman)

Congratulations Sandy.  Grandmas and great grandmas are looking better (and younger) all the time.  Wishing your family the best.  Regards, Maxine

04/19/18 11:49 AM #191    

Myles Schlank

"Once known as Newark Mountains, the once-whole town of Orange adopted its name in June 1780. The reference is not to a color or a fruit but a house, specifically England's ruling house.

"William III of Orange, once the stadtholder of the Dutch Republic, was the King of England, Ireland, and Scotland from 1689 to 1712. The first white settlers of The Oranges hailed from the New Haven Colony and settled in land that was purportedly, but not actually, bought from indigenous peoples in Hackensack.

"About 160 years ago, Orange — nearly named Orange Dale — began to split, rind and all, over tax disputes. Today, the four communities exist as The Oranges on highway exit signs; East Orange, West Orange, South Orange Village, and the City of Orange to taxpayers."   from 04/17/2018


04/19/18 01:40 PM #192    

Sandra Bowers (Linton)

Thank you, Maxine.  It is a most wonderful time.  You get to fix all the mistakes you did with your own children.  lol

Very interesting piece, Myles.  I never knew that about Orange.  Even when I was a child, when people heard, "West Orange", they used to say, "that's way out in the boonies."  Cars and interstates have brought everything close and out of the 'boonies.'



04/21/18 08:26 PM #193    

Myles Schlank

Here is Stan Moskovitz's story relating to the posting of a photo of his dad and of Allen Horn's response (see comments #s 183 and 182, respectively). Stan's storytelling skills and sense of humor come through (Allen).

     We moved to Pleasantdale in 1952. My father learned to be a butcher from his brother in law when we came to the US in 1950.

     My parents could only afford to rent space in a very old, run down, store front, directly across the street from Brotman's Market. If you walked out of Brotmans and looked at the building, I swear it leaned to the side. It also looked like a haunted house. The second floor was vacant and I heard noises up there at night. 

    The butcher shop was the front half of the store and we had a large studio apartment in the back. The other storefront next to us was the Lord Piano company. It was a family business that actually made their own pianos. Mary Lord was always playing great music. We kind of had our own Muzak. If you want to see a Lord piano, ring my Moms bell. 

     Next to the store was a grassy lot with a large billboard. I learned to play ball throwing a "spaldeen" against the billboard. The steel framework of the billboard became my monkey bars. 

      Eagle Rock Ave and Pleasant Valley Way were only two lanes at the time. Traffic was fairly light. My mom would ask me to go to Brotman's for milk or bread or something. I didn't know we were running a "tab"" I just thought you got what you wanted, told Mr or Mrs Brotman and left.  Great deal, right?  It wasn't until my parents got the bill at the end of the month. That candy store/ soda shop was closed to me, quickly.  

     We lived there a couple of years until my Mom came back to find me feeding my "pet". A cute little rat. We moved to Ronald Terrace soon after. 

     The store was moved down from Brotman's and up from Fried's Drug store (my next candy/soda shop) a little later. 

     There was no competition for years until Joe Wallen opened a shop near Dale Drugs. His shop focused on self serve. Pre cut and packaged meat. There's an unspoken family secret rumor that a relative partnered with Joe to open the store ( let's keep this to ourselves).  That store never moved from that spot until it closed last year. 

     So, Allen, you're wrong. If your Mom didn't buy from my're dead to me !!! Here's hoping you're a vegan !!!

     As an old broadcaster would say......."and that's the rest of the story"

Regards to all

04/22/18 01:08 PM #194    

Michele Maurer (Glass)

I LOVED reading this story. Such great memories. Thank you for sharing. Michele Maurer Glass

04/23/18 07:46 AM #195    

Carol Siegel (Ross)

My family moved from Brooklyn to West Orange in 1957. My mother did not drive at the time, so she ordered meat from ​Moskovitz's Butcher Shop and it was delivered to our house. I did not at the time connect Stanley, who was in my fifth grade class in Pleasantville Elementary school with his father's store.

Now that so many years have passed, I have to admit Stanley stole my heart in sixth grade. He was just the cutest, sweetest boy. It didn't matter that I was probably six inches taller than he either. I may have even kissed him once at our sixth grade graduatin, but I'm not sure. To add a little twist, my husband Bob's father was a butcher. 

Congradulations on the great grandchild!!!

04/23/18 03:55 PM #196    

Maxine Youin (Kleiman)

I loved your story, Stan.  Really great.  I did not move to West Orange until 1960 so I missed those early years when most of our class at WOMHS was in elementary school and knew one another.  I do love reminiscing and hearing those old stories of everyone's family life way back when.  Do you think our children and grandchildren will somedayl talk about their early years with fondness? And possibly complain about what we did wrong when  they were young?  Probably.  I will try not to feel guilty!

04/23/18 06:37 PM #197    

Myles Schlank

Michele, Carol, Maxine, I just copied and sent to Stan your responses to his story (he's not signed up for our web site).

07/18/18 08:21 PM #198    

Myles Schlank

Ron Farber emailed this homage to recently departed NYC DJ Dan Ingram, several weeks ago. Apologies for my not posting this sooner. I enjoyed reading it and hope you do. Feel free to commnt.

          I did not know Dan Ingram well  --  yet met him dozens of times. He would always recognize me, talk and kid around like an old long lost friend.  In addition to being probably the most talented radio personality ever from the 'top 40' heyday (1950's -1980's), he was one of the nicest and most humble of all of them.  He really was that fantastic.

          His endless quick wit and kindness always shown through.

          Here are three true stories (one with me present) that involve this most loved and respected broadcast icon who we lost a couple of days ago.

          I grew up in the NYC metro area and remember first being so 'addicted' to "Big Dan" from his initial start at WABC in 1961 onward.  There was a time when WABC had a 14 song playlist with most of the songs repeated every 90 minutes or even quicker.  Add to this a very lengthy commercial load, frequent long jingles and two five munute newscasts each hour.  Often during peak afternoon drive time, about nine full (under 2.5 minute) songs an hour would get played! 

          Yet, Dan Ingram commanded a huge audience scoring astronomical ratings despite all the clutter because HE WAS THAT GOOD.  

1.  When I got into 'the biz' by the early 1970's I was so elated to meet Dan & keep running into him.  I remember going to a Sunday night Paul Williams concert at Lincoln Center in New York City in 1973  with a couple of fellow A&M Records execs. One was the well liked and connected record man, Jerry Love who knew Dan well.  Thus, Dan was with us that night.  After the show we went to that great 'after show' bistro, The Brasserie. Dan held court for about six of us. Within an hour, a lady came running up to him all excited saying..." I know who you are."   She then takes out a Herb Alpert poster (our boss, the "A" of A&M Records) that she had just gotten at a nearby record store and asks Dan to sign it.  Yeah  -- she thought Dan was Herb!  And he was not going to tell her. He turned to us and with a hysterical quip I wish I could remember (beyond that woman's ear shot) and then signed an illegible script on her poster.  She walked away stammering how such a big star should learn how to sign his name.  I believe Dan said he would mention this the next time he played one of Herb's records on air!

2.  With New York's many days of on and off rain, Dan often used the term 'brief showers' when reading his forecast mentioning his (made up) creations...'Peter the meter reader' and his weather girl...'Fat Fontunes.'   "Cousin Bruce Morrow's evening shift followed Dan at 7pm.  

          One rainy day, Bruce went to a local department store, bought a dozen pairs of men's Jockey briefs, and put them into a box,  He snuck up behind Dan near the end of his show and as Ingram read the weather and said "expect brief showers,"  Brucie threw the briefs high into the air above Dan.  One of the few times, Ingram really lost it!  He was laughing so hard, they had to do a very long break and he was still roaring afterward while trying to explain it to his audience!

3.  There was a promo man named Freddie Rupert who worked for Paramount Records when the film, "The Last Picture Show" was a big hit.  He had a record out by the new star of the movie, the beautiful Cybil Sheppard.

          Rick Sklar (the ironclad Program Director of WABC) would not let her do a quick on air interview on 'his airwave.'

          Rupert somehow managed to sneak Sheppard into Ingram's studio while Sklar went a a bathroom break. Rick always monitored his station and heard her on air with Dan.  He ran crazy down the hall  -- but it was too late to stop it.  Ingram was so successful, only he could override Sklar!  He continued to interview and kid Cybil while Sklar fumed.  What was he gonna do  --  fire his biggest star?  I believe Freddie was banned from visiting the station after that!

And also,  I personally remember several other things from Dan's most storied career:

1.  His wife was in a horrible auto accident while he was on the air.  

2.  During that massive power failure along the whole eastern seaboard in the mid 1960's, this pro journeyed out to New Jersey to broadcast from the WABC transmitter.  He was a trooper  --  he really cared about his audience!

3.  If you were fortunate to have a conversation with him, the man could talk about almost anything.  He was extremely knowledge in so many areas.

4.  He had a close friendship with a few recording artists.  One was Nat "King" Cole.  

5.  Probably the song he hated most (and was adamant about playing it in later years on WCBS-FM) was  the Rosie & The Originals hit, "Angel Baby."  

6.  For a short while he additionally had a show on WABC-FM (before it flipped to WPLJ)   He called this "The Other Dan Ingram."  Not only did he play different music (some light jazz and pop)  --  it was so unique to hear him without the 'famous' WABC77 echo on his voice!

7.  Through the holiday season of 1970, he did his annual Christmas show on his last scheduled shift before the 25th. Here he, Dan Ingram, demanded and got 'carte blanche' to program whatever he wanted along with the usual. Only he on the station could play The Drifters version of "White Christmas" and Augie Rios with "Donde Este Santa Claus."  And during his last one, he was hysterically critical of the loud WABC chime id blasting over the endings of Nat Cole's "Christmas Song" and Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" knocking the programming policy asking if "anything here is sacred anymore."  He was the very best!

8.  When Cousin Brucie was late for his shift (hung up in traffic), Dan stuck around for a 1/2 hour until Morrow showed up.  And he did his 'Brucie impersonation'  --   only saying "eeeeee" in that high voice like Bruce would between the records played.   No listener ever caught on or responded!

9.  Dan Ingram was responsible for Chuck Leonard coming to WABC as the first black disc jockey on any NYC pop station.  He had heard Leonard during his brief tenure on WWRL (the NYC soul music station) and Dan went to the general manager of his station, WABC, and ask how they could call themselves 'the all Americans' and not include a person of color.  Thus, Chuck was contacted, auditioned & hired for the 10pm-midnight time slot!

Following (for some of you who might not have been that familiar with Dan) are a couple of 'notices' from two of the radio trade dailies (RAMP, Talkers) which will give you some perspective on how huge and important he was to so many of us -- listeners, music co. folks and broadcasters alike.

Dan Ingram Signs Off

Mere moments before RAMP closed this issue, we received the sad news that legendary New York radio personality Dan Ingram, best known and loved for his two-decade run at the equally iconic MusicRadio 77 WABC/New York, has died -- the news was initially reported by Allan Sniffen, the longtime curator of the New York Radio Message Board site, As you might expect, the board is rapidly filling up with messages from personalities from across the country who, like us, grew up idolizing Ingram on WABC.

Sniffen posted, "This is the hardest post I have ever made to the NYRMB. Dan Ingram passed away in Florida this evening [Sunday, June 24, 2018] at the age of 83. He had numerous neurological problems over the last few years and his death was a consequence of choking. According to his son Chris, he did not suffer.

He continued, "I am so sad I cannot even express how I feel. Big Dan meant so much to me. He was my idol as a child and I revered him as an adult. To say he was the greatest Top 40 radio personality of all time only begins to describe him. I know how you feel. All of you. A world with Big Dan is unimaginable. I'm struggling...

I expect we'll be overwhelmed with comments and posts. I've set up a special board. It's linked below. Use it instead of the NYRMB both because of the quantity of what I expect will come and because it will become a permanent archive to this site.

Tomorrow is a new day for me. A day where there is no Big Dan Ingram."

Legendary Radio Personality Dan Ingram Dies at 83

New York all-news WINS-AM reports that legendary radio jock Dan Ingram died on Sunday evening (6/24) at his home in Florida after several years of dealing with health issues.  He was 83.  Ingram is widely considered to have been the greatest disc jockey in the history of American top 40 radio.  Ingram first got into radio during his student days at Hofstra University on Long Island.  He worked at WABC-AM during its heyday as a top 40 powerhouse (from 1961 to 1982).  After that, he did several weekly syndicated radio programs and, in 1991, joined the air staff at WCBS-FM, New York. TALKERS founder Michael Harrison, who shared the honor of being one of the charter inductees into the Hofstra University Radio Hall of Fame with Ingram, issued the following statement, “Dan Ingram was larger than life on WABC in its pop music heyday.  He was, in my opinion, the greatest top 40 radio disc jockey of all time – not just being a master of compacted content delivered by an awesome voice with a remarkable range, but a genius practitioner of timing that made the flow of elements, including his announcing, that rushed out of the speakers truly symphonic in nature.  He raised the presentation of pop radio formatics to an art form.  His influence on our industry’s music presenters and talk show hosts alike was absolutely profound.”


Two tribute videos from friends of Ron

08/01/18 11:45 AM #199    

Allen Horn

Hello to my Fellow WOMHS classmates.

I have been reflecting on how much I learned from being associated with you all during our formative years in the West Orange school system. Some of you started along with me in First grade and we shared many memories along the way leading up to our Graduation in 1964.

Last week, hearing from Richard Erenkranz, served as a reminder that we are collectively fortunate to be where we are at this point in our lives. I remember  Rich as a truly remarkable  individual, brillant, enthusiastic, and talented in so many ways.

It t is a pleasure to say I knew him WHEN

We have a 55th reunion coming up and I want to ask ALL of you to try and make a sincere effort to attend. Sure, its off in 2019, but we may not collectively cross paths again if not for these planed events. I would  very much enjoy the opportunity to see and greet each one of you.

I have already sent in my $$$ and will anxiously make the trip back EAST from Tulsa, OK because its SO VERY meaningful. Please join me!  

08/02/18 02:58 PM #200    

Debby Timins (Snowman)

Beautifully said Allen.  I will be there and anxiously await time to spend with you, but no siting on the bench waiting for people to recognize you this time !!!  Did not fool me then at all!

08/02/18 06:29 PM #201    

Deborah Flax (WOMHS Class Of '68)

i remember stanly moscovitz as being a friend of alan hammer......i was good friend with alan's younger sister jill

01/14/19 12:14 PM #202    

Allen Horn

Have just heard af the unfortunate passing of Diane Stuber.

I  remember her as an extremely compassionate and sensitive individual.

During our HS years I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.When she heard of my situation she expressed such meaningful concern for my daily well-being, which I hold dear  even now. Diane was a lovely person and I feel for her family and close friends because a sincere individual is no longer with us.

One of the nicest memories I have of our Class of 1964 is our "band of brothers" attitude expressed among the classmates. There were many of YOU who helped me get over the emotional trauma  of becoming an indivual with Diabetes from the onset. You know who you are, and, I will never forget any of your kind deeds on my behalf.

08/27/19 04:50 PM #203    

Myles Schlank

        Dr. Warren Clayton Sordill of Short Hills, N.J., loving husband, devoted father and doting grandfather, passed away on Tuesday June 11, 2019.
        Warren was born on March 31, 1945 to Dr. James Vincent Sordill and Ida Cawthorne Sordill. He graduated from Mountain High School [1962] in West Orange, N.J., in 1963. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Pittsburgh, and received his dental degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine in 1969. While attending the University, he played football and was a varsity baseball letterman.
        In 1968, Warren married Michele (Brashear), his wife of 51 years, and together they raised two children, Megan and Matthew. 
        Dr. Sordill was a practicing oral and maxillofacial surgeon for over 40 years. He started his career as an intern in dentistry at Long Island Jewish Hospital in Glen Oaks, N.Y., followed by a dental residency in anesthesia. 
He completed his oral and maxillofacial surgery training at Queens Hospital Center in Jamaica, N.Y., after which he went into private practice in Schenectady, N.Y. While in private practice, he served as director of Dental Education at St. Clare's Hospital in Schenectady. 
        In 1986, he relocated to Livingston, N.J., where he practiced until February 2018. Warren was a Diplomat of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and an attending staff member at St. Barnabas Medical Center and Morristown Medical Center. His passion for his profession was clear to the many colleagues he worked alongside and those he mentored throughout the years. His integrity and gentle disposition were unmistakable in the skillful care and attention he provided his patients.
        Warren adored spending time with his family and friends, caring for his patients and attending sporting events. He loved family gatherings at Lake Hopatcong, summer holidays in Cape Cod, swimming at the Racquets Club, a good cigar and fire pits with his grandsons. 
        He took great pleasure in music, was a keen reader and history aficionado who loved sharing his knowledge with others. An avid sports fan, he followed with pride his son's lacrosse career, the New York Yankees and above all else, the University of Pittsburgh Golden Panthers. He had great enthusiasm for his alma mater and attended as many Pitt sporting events and band concerts as time would allow. 
        Warren is lovingly remembered by his wife, Michele; his son, Matt; his daughter, Megan, and his son-in-law, Matthew Weisser, as well as his adoring grandsons, Thomas and Henry Weisser, who will forever remember him as their Pap-pap. Additionally, he is remembered by his sister, Lee Arico; his brother-in-law Ed Decker, many cousins, nephews, nieces and countless friends. 
        A celebration of Warren's life is being planned. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in Warren's memory to (sentence ended here)

Published in Star-Ledger on June 23, 2019

08/27/19 07:37 PM #204    

Allen Horn

I am deeply saddened to hear about Dr Warren Sordill.

I remember him as a special member of the Mountain HS community

gWarren was a superb athlete.his speed on the football field running back kickoffs on a double reverse were a thing of beauty.

on the baseball team along with him afforded me to admire how talented he was both on the diamond and in the classroom he was emotionally mature beyond our ages and was instrumental in my thinking of him in idolic terms. He inspired me to perform beyond my talent level.

warren had lovely parents who were always seen at our ball games his father was a gentleman, so it wasn’t hard to see who he took after, his Dad always had a word of encouragement for me 

I followed his Dental career closely he was a Professionals Professional. He talents as a Oral Surgeon were well known

we all will remember him in glowing terms

may he Rest In Peace 



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